Weekend Fun in the South of France and Some Other Randomness

By Mamawithflavor @MaWithFlavor

Hello all!
Hope you're all well and enjoyed your Easter Weekend.
Girrrrrrrl how'd your broke ass afford travel so much?
When there is a will there is a way! I am so so so thankful to have seen what I have. Us leaving in the next couple months has really got our butts in gear with seeing as much of Europe as possible. Most people I know when they're time is coming to a close in Germany they travel A LOT. And we are no exception.
We decided to go to the South of France in February. We were chilly and was hoping for a warm climate that was close enough to drive to. So happy we drove because we saw soooo many beautiful sites the Swiss Alps and Italian Alps are breathtakingly gorgeous. The smell of the sea was refreshing on the last leg of the long drive.. Not something you smell often in Southern Germany where we live. I love the sea, I wanted to stop in Italy and jump in the clear blue Mediterranean but we had about 2 hours more to drive (mostly due to toll lines!).
If you're driving to the South of France from Germany. Make sure you have change for the tolls in France. The French tolls wouldn't take our cards though the Italian ones did. We had some mishaps in France that was embarrassing- just a lil tip!
My oldest, claimed to 'hate France' (when visiting only once to a small French town with no English speakers) said this was the best vacation up there with our trip to Switzerland last winter. Chilling on the French Riviera is definitely bucket list worthy. The striking blue waters, the food, the fashion, the eclectic people,  the surroundings are all AMAZING.
Here are some pictures!
On the road

In St Paul de Vence

Crazy Lays Flavors in France too. There's a Bolognese flavor as well

From my rental French Kitchen

He loved the scenery

In Nice. Was cloudy but not cold out. The water was cold, though!

But I wore my bikini and jumped in with my jacket anyway LOL
Needed to wear shoes with all the pebbles OUCH

The Apartment! Pretty

Nice is very kid friendly. With restaurants and playgrounds everywhere

My daughter met all kinds of kids. Must be the curls

The next day was warmer

We also went to Monaco
One the ride

In Monaco

Warm Day YAY!
Beautiful Water!

Hubby enjoying his Monaco Beer

Nicoise Salad

My son and I shared!

Window Shopping?

At the Monte Carlo Casino!!! I wish we could have gone inside, definitely for a couples trip when we're 60 lol
hope you all enjoyed the photos!!! We had a wonderful time!