So I’ve managed to waddle (yep I’m doing that now) up to my office this evening, ice pole in one hand and banister clutched in the other… heaving myself up the stairs like a poor lame hippo, I figured it’s about time I update my blog with the joys of pregnancy and family life. I’m trying to climb the two flights of stairs as little as possible at the moment, terrified ill trip. For most people it would make sense to limit such excursions by remembering to take up or bring down various things each time, but I’m so forgetful that I often reach the top floor in a state of hyperventilation only to find I forgot to bring up the washing/paperwork/nit-comb etc…….
Yep some pesky head lice have found a way into our home repeatedly over the last few weeks, at least 3 times a week I’ve found myself on the top floor bathroom with H only to discover I left the comb in the living room…. I’m very tempted to buy three and keep one on each floor just in case. Horrid little things! Although, I actually find eradicating them somewhat therapeutic. There’s something really satisfying about combing through my girls hair and catching a big fat wiggler… or at least there was for the first two weeks… I just can’t understand why they’re coming back, they’re like Rasputin, you kill them off with some pretty hard-core Headrin warfare, trap and dispose of their offspring, wash all the bed sheets and repeat over their (googled) life cycle and yet they still won’t blommin DIE!
It does appear as though H is the only unlucky one but on the safe side its best to check the entire Macdonald clan to be sure. This means the whole family now start running away when they see me appear in the room in manner of crazy headlice serial killer woman, with facemask, gloves, conditioner and comb (depending on if I remembered to bring it to the correct floor). Today it’s so far so good, but I’m starting to run out of steam… literally, if I sit in that boiling hot bathroom for one more friggin evening I’m gonna scream. Luckily, my girly is taking it very patiently and is able to look on the bright side of things…. Good bye boring ponytail ‘mummy now sends me to school with plaits of steal and buns of iron’. Just you try it pests… I dare you!!
So, I’m well and truly done with pregnancy, 9 weeks to go and counting. I’ve got my office fan up and running now which is helping at work but, with these eye issues and the heat I’m looking forward to going on leave in two weeks, not least because we have to move house again! Still, no better time to move and pack then when the nesting kicks in I guess, but I’m finding that even my x2 30 min daily naps are just not enough to stop me flagging by the evening.
And on cue, I just started yawning into my keyboard.
All recent blood tests were fine meaning no gestational diabetes, phew! or iron deficiency, this is a relief!