I like to schedule Wednesday mornings to be in the garden.Having a weekly schedule for for trimming and fluffinghelps me keep my garden happy.
Today I worked my little front courtyard.
First thing on my list was to move the baby tears I used for an Easter centerpiece in the living roomto the outside.They were starting to wane indoorsafter a week without proper light.Just not enough sun for them.
So I simplytore the baby tears into piecesand planted them amongst the rocks in one of my big planters.They ended up to be the perfect finishing touchI was hoping for.
The baby tears centerpiecein the courtyard is thriving beautifully.
I am very happy withnot only it's growthbut the clean crisp lines of the arrangement.
This seasonI am trying to streamline my decorfor a feeling ofcalm luxury.
My wall of pots is also thriving.This wall is an important oneas not only does it look beautifulbut it also helps createa private courtyard spacein what is actually part of our suburban front yard.
The succulents are growing so wellI have begunto cut stems ofand replant them elsewhere.
A few weeks agoI begantransplanting succulents insideto fill up the urnsbehind my couch.
This seasonI am doing primarily all succulents inside.I like the clean linesand howhopefully they will last the entire summer season.
Last year I began to tuckstrawberry plants in my outside containersto see if I could get some edibles out of my 'pretty' pots.
They have done wonderfullynot only adding some lovely colorin my primarily all green and white plantingsbut nothing beatshomegrown strawberries fresh from the garden!
Once I get a gardenfluffed, trimmed, planted and fedit just takesthe daily watering from a choreto a daily joy!
The front yard and courtyard are all up to speed.
Inside just needsa couple additions
but the back …needs some serious TLCto bring it back to the luxuriousentertaining areathat I always love it to become summer.
As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life