Wednesday Night

By Sagaritah
Hi there beautiful people! Welcome to another simple post . This one is similar to the last one "Tuesday night" both of them are in the same lable "nights out" .The point of it is to tell you where I go/what I do In a night out . So let's get started :) On Wednesday night "the third day of Eid" we went to a family dinner at chilis . It was amazing . We Seriously ordered everything Lol :)Here are some delicious pictures 

After getting our stomachs full we went to watch the fireworks it was so beautiful especially that we found a really good/close place . And there are the cool pictures 
And finally this is my favorite part . Cause After we get home my beautiful aunt bought me a new camera that was so nice of her <3 . Thanks to her now I no longer taking pictures on my iPhone for my blog yay :) . Here is my new camera 
That's it for this post thank you for reading . See you in another one love you bye xo