We Turned Out Just Fine

By Zenparenting1 @ZenParenting1
My husband and I were only breastfed for 6 weeks each, my brother not at all
I was spanked and slapped
My husband was circumcised
I didn't wear a seatbelt until elementary school (in fact, I rode standing up between the seat of my grandparents' truck for years)
Shame was a regular discipline tactic used by my mother-in-law
I was grounded regularly
I was yelled at seemingly daily
I was forced to potty train very early, so that there wouldn't be two kids in diapers
My husband and I were both vaccinated for everything on the CDC schedule (the schedule that was current for the time)
My mother was seemingly always on a diet
My husband grew up in a house where very traditional gender roles were touted
TV abounded in my home and Disney was king
Never once was cosleeping a consideration in my home or my husband's
We're both products of the public school system (and teachers in said system)
Crying-it-out was just what our parents did
My husband grew up on Little Debbies and Oreos
I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.
We turned out just fine.

Or did we? Do we know any different? Do we know how much better things could've been, how differently our brains would've formed, how much healthier we could've been, how greatly our sex lives would've improved?
Is "just fine" good enough? I don't think so. It's not what I'm looking for with my son anyway.
And is "just fine" really all it's cracked up to be?