We’re Hiring a World-class Journalist to Direct Diet Doctor’s Writers Team

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Are you passionate about the impact a keto or low-carb diet can have on people's health? Would you love to join an outstanding team in creating low-carb guides, articles and news posts that can change the lives of millions?

If so, we want to hear from you.

We are hiring a driven person to direct and lead our writers team - an exceptional person who will work side by side with Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt (founder and CEO) to create top-quality written content for the world's number one low-carb site.

Come join our company in beautiful Stockholm, Sweden. Don't live here yet? No problem - we'll help you move and find a place to live.

About you

We're looking for a driven, and low-carb oriented, journalist to help direct our writers team. Perhaps you're an editor at a major newspaper? Or a top writer for another large website?

The person we're looking for will help direct and edit the work of our writers team, write his or her own guides, articles and news posts, and work closely with Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt in developing our content team.

Essential qualities

The role is challenging and not for everyone. You need all the below eight qualities to be considered for the job:

  • Superb editing skills - able to direct and edit the work of a number of writers to make their work as simple, trustworthy, and inspiring as possible.
  • Superb writing skills - able to explain complex things in a simple, trustworthy and inspiring manner.
  • Excellent English (and a native speaker).
  • Passionate and knowledgeable about low carb and what it can do for millions of people.
  • A strong desire to do great things and learn fast.
  • Love to work independently and get things done, fast and with a consistently high quality.
  • A belief in the importance of our values: trustworthiness, simplicity, inspiration and goodness.
  • A strong desire to do something meaningful.

Why work for Diet Doctor

Diet Doctor is the world's largest low-carb site, with around 250,000 daily visitors, over 44,000 paying members and 20 full-time coworkers (about 40 when including freelancers). We've been about doubling in size every year for a long time. We aim to keep our rapid growth up for as long as possible, to enable us to make a big positive impact in the world.

Our goal is to empower people everywhere to revolutionize their health - by making low carb simple.

We are funded by the people (through our optional membership), owned by those who work here, and - because we want to build a company that can do good for 100+ years - we've turned down every investment opportunity we've received from venture capitalists. Fortunately, with the amazing support of our members, we've been able to fund this growth with zero outside investments.

We offer competitive salaries and the opportunity to become a co-owner in our explosively growing company. More importantly: we'll give you the chance to work for a purpose-driven organization, that truly exists to make the world a better place.

We currently offer English, Spanish and Swedish versions of our site and more languages are coming up soon. Your responsibility would primarily be our content on the English site, which is by far the largest.

You'll get the opportunity to travel internationally too, if you want that. Some of our coworkers regularly travel to low-carb related conferences all over the world. This could help you network with our international team of expert contributors.

Our team goes on a week-long low-carb cruise in the Caribbean most years, and we also travel to film low-carb cooking videos with world-class talents. For example, ten people from our company will soon be at Low Carb Breckenridge, filming presentations, interviews and cooking videos.

Most of our full-time staff work together in a beautiful office in central Stockholm. So would you, if this position is right for you.

Don't live in Stockholm, but speak excellent English? No problem - we'll help you move here and find a place to live.

Timing not perfect? Reach out anyway - we'll wait for the right person.

Alternatively: Do you know anyone who is a perfect match? Tell that person about this ad!

This is an opportunity you don't want to miss - apply now.


It's a bonus if you can increase our team's diversity - we see differences in skills, interests, religious and political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, etc. as a major benefit to our company.


Our goal is to empower people everywhere to revolutionize their health, by making low carb simple. At least a billion people could benefit from eating fewer carbs, primarily but not exclusively people with obesity, type 2 diabetes and other problems related to metabolic syndrome. These people are currently not getting the support they deserve, and we aim to change that.

To achieve this goal, we need to work with fantastic people who are passionate about the enormous benefits keto and low carb can have for people, and who can help us create incredible products that make low carb simple.

Could you be one of those people? And do you have the eight essential qualities we're looking for? Are you the right person to support, direct and strengthen our writers team, plus develop content of your own? Do you want to help make low carb simple for hundreds of millions of people who need it?

If so, apply today.

Apply now

To apply, please send the following to jobs@dietdoctor.com by Monday, February 5:

  1. A personal letter, up to one page long, about why you're perfect for this job.
  2. Links to three simple, trustworthy and inspiring articles you've written or edited (preferably relevant to Diet Doctor).
  3. Your CV with references and a picture.

Good luck!

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