We Made It!

By Reasonstodress


First of all sorry to all of the people in internet land, including my blogger friends, people who have commented or who have visited in the last few days and noticed no new posts, I’ve been a little inactive!

We’re in Rome!!

I mentioned here that for my son’s second birthday my man and I planned a trip to Rome.  Well, it turns out that planning a trip to Rome requires a lot more work on my part.

We left Modena Friday afternoon at 4:30 pm, it usually takes 4 hours to drive to Rome or 2.5 with the train. We decided to drive so that we could have the car for the weekend and be flexible with our plans. It took us a good 6 HOURS to get here between pitstops and dinner.  Oh Well, we made it!

We spent Saturday at the BioPark, which is Rome’s antique Zoo, I’ll be posting all about it, Sunday we had my son’s second birthday at Explora, the Children’s museum.  After lunch my man drove back to Modena and I’ve stayed here.  Yesterday was a really rainy day, we had a few misadventures but ended up having a lovely walk (aka long and tiring!!)  chasing pigeons in the piazza and eating awful food fit enough for a tourist!  My hosts are my best Canadian friend who lives in Rome, her Roman husband and their wonderful 16 month old daughter.

They are like family, and in their apartment of 34 meters squared (365 square feet) they make us feel at home.

Rome is intense.  I can’t imagine living here and navigating the traffic, parking, amount of dog poop on the sidewalks, and hectic pace of this city day in and day out.  Rome is like NO OTHER CITY ON THE PLANET. It is a beautiful, organic maze or wonder, beauty, people and moss that leaves you awe struck at every turn.

My friends are incredible hosts and friends and so far this has been an amazing way to celebrate the birth of my son two years ago.

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Life link-ups!

Sometimes I like to link up  My Monday or Thursday posts or my instagram pictures with these amazing bloggers.  Feel free to visit their sites for inspiration on everything from life, recipes, photography and crafts.