We Love Teachers Who Love Teaching

By Rachel

When a student is ready, a teacher will appear.  Buddhist Proverb

As kids search for understanding, teachers are there.  Teachers live by example.  Kids watch them for boundaries and levels of excellence.  Where would we be without teachers who care about kids?
As kids look to school, they find a business setting.  Education is a business.  Teachers are there to facilitate the busi-ness.  Some teachers are stern.  Some teachers make learning fun.  Regardless of style, each teacher plays the role of a guide.  Leading our next generation toward achievement, teachers process minds and organize chaos.
Though discipline may be a form of love, kids rarely show their appreciation for discipline.  Even guidance that is sugar coated falls 2nd to a video game that makes kids feel like kings and queens.
We would like to thank teachers, who love to teach!    
Here are some ways to show teachers how much we appreciate them. Every day next week, kids could take a few minutes to show they care. 
Monday - bring a flower
Tuesday - bring a fruit
Wednesday - bring a school supply
Thursday - bring a vegetable
Friday - create a card
If you forget this assignment, then just tell your teacher, "Thank You," as you walk into class.