I'm pretty sure my life would probably be easier if I just went along with whatever was popular and liked everything that everyone else is into but I honestly have a hard time pretending to like things/people that I just don't get or see the value in. These might include coffee, Starbucks, drinking alcohol, Game of Thrones, Beyonce, the Kardashians and anyone in their sphere, most reality tv, the BRF, bad boys, excessive facial hair, fruit pies, overrated, untalented celebrities, self obsessed, social climbing celebrity spouses, attention thirsty narcissists with an allergy to clothing.. I actually prefer to focus on what I do like instead of what I don't just because I don't want to waste my time on things that have no meaning to me. I have legitimate reasons whenever I dislike or don't care for something and it would be nice if people wouldn't bother to question my taste or call me a hater but if they do, whatever