Watching Your Employees Die Gets You -1,000,000,000 Karma Points

Posted on the 26 October 2011 by Torontoemerg

This is pretty appalling. Actually no. It is un-freakin’-believable:

Last month, Julia’s daughter, Vianney, buried her mom, after the 67 year old woman died Sept. 8th at her desk, at Time Warner.
“She went to Time Warner and didn’t come home,” said Vianney.
What Vianney didn’t know, is that more could have been done, to save her mother’s life.
Garfield Hts. paramedics rush to the Time Warner Call Center off McCracken around 3 PM that day.
Meantime, as Nelson lay slumped at her desk, a fellow employee begins CPR but records confirm, when EMS arrives, the patient is not breathing and contrary to red cross training, CPR is no longer being performed.
So why did the employee stop CPR? well, we tracked her down. She wouldn’t go on camera, but what she told us on the phone is shocking.
The women tells us, and other employees confirm, that a supervisor ordered her to end her life saving efforts, and “get back on the phone and take care of customers.”

What’s worse, there was an Automatic External Defibrillator device close by, in a locked room, and the only person who had the key was out of the building. Time-Warner, the employer, stated they ”responded appropriately to a medical emergency. Our company has procedures in place to respond to emergencies.” Evidently, at Time-Warner, “appropriate procedures” include standing by idly and watching people in cardiac arrest die and keeping AEDSs in locked rooms so no one can use them. But there is a silver lining. At least customer service was good.