Wat Wanderings

By Leonoras

Whenever we have a free afternoon, we like to pull out our trusty map, find a new wat (the Thai word for a monastary or temple) and go for a wander. There are over 300 wats in Chiang Mai - some enormous and grand like Wat Phrathap Doi Suthep, others more humble, hidden behind soup shops, department stores and tiny alley roads. 

We've so enjoyed our time at the temples that we even decided to attend a 2-day silent meditation retreat last week that was managed by the monks at Wat Suan Dok. An interesting albeit challenging experience that I'll be sure to write more on in a few days time. 

Happy Memorial Day to everyone at home! We're busy soaking in our last week here in Chiang Mai and preparing for the next adventure to come...BURMA.