Warm Bodies [2013]: Good Enough

Posted on the 11 January 2014 by Rukhaiyaaramrit
I liked the last Jonathan Levine movie I watched, it was "50/50" starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen. This time, he impressed the movie geek again. This is a romantic film, with a zombie protagonist. Sounds stupid huh..? Read on.

The idea is strange, not because Zombies aren't human but because they aren't as appealing as Vampires, they have an ugly face, how can we expect a weird face to be romantic.. but even though the idea was actually strange, the execution was good enough. 

It is an adaptation of  the novel of the same name, so the credit for the idea should go to the Author, Isaac Marion. So, the plot is that Zombies have taken over, they are everywhere. Yet one of them, named R, played by Nicholas Hoult, with a mind that works, fall in love for a girl, Julie played by Teresa Palmer. At this point, you will realize that you are not watching an apocalyptic thriller, with zombie slashers, but a weird love story between a human and a zombie, R transforms throughout the film from a complete zombie to pretty much human like. Since it has a fast narrative and good cinematography, this film is quite watchable and is somehow enjoyable for once. This is the theme for film. 

Although, the plot may sound a little ridiculous, it is put in a way, I am sure people would like to buy it. Warm Bodies is a package of Comedy, Romance and a bit of Zombie like Horror. The story line is very fresh, well paced and directed very well. I am in a train right now and I can't deny that this film did help to make it a happy journey :)
Movie Geeks Ratings: ★★★ Good Cast: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer Directed by: Jonathan Levine ------------------------- Author: Amrit Rukhaiyaar