W.A.H.M. Advice: 3 Practical Tips for Working at Home While Caring for a Toddler by Michelle Rebecca

Posted on the 20 August 2013 by Stacie Walker Stacie @staciewalker

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Contributing Author: Michelle Rebecca

As any mom or dad can tell you, toddlers are a challenge. They're even more of a challenge when you're working from home.

Toddlers are demanding of your attention as they constantly ask questions and get into things that they shouldn't.

They throw tantrums, and they never do anything according to a schedule.

How do you get anything done on the computer when you've got a two-year-old tapping away at the keyboard with his chubby little fingers?

Read on for three practical tips for working at home while caring for a toddler.

1.) Make the Most of Your Time as Your Toddler Sleeps

Toddlers can't tell time, and they make their needs apparent whether it's 8am or 11pm. It's hard for a toddler to tell the difference between Mommy's work time and play time.

To get the most productive work hours, aim to do the majority of your work in the early mornings while your toddler is still asleep.

You can also fit in a little work at nap time. This frees you up to spend most of the day with your little one.

2.) Establish a Routine Rather than Sticking to a Schedule

Toddlerhood requires flexibility. Even the best laid plans can be ruined by a tummy ache, an exploding diaper or potting soil being dumped all over your freshly steamed carpet.

Toddlers can quickly become bored, too, if they don't get enough attention.

If you have a job that can allow it, work in increments of 30-60 minutes when your toddler is awake. After that time, spend some one on one time with him or her. Repeat until you finish your work.

This ensures that your child is receiving much-needed individualized attention.

It also allows you to put out those "fires" like having toys strewn about the living room or letting the dog out without getting completely sidetracked.

3.) Provide Structured Quiet Activities

Everyone needs a little quiet time, your toddler included.

Don't turn on the television; that can be stimulating for some children. Instead, get your child a coloring book and crayons or some paper and finger paints.

Give him an age-appropriate puzzle to work or some blocks to build with.

This will keep him quiet, but safely busy so you can squeeze in a little more work or study for your medical lab technician course. Being a working mom is a challenge, especially when working from home, but it is possible when you use these tips.

Image Credits: Simona Balint @sxc.huCema @ sxc.hu, Mike Rohde and MikaelWiman via Compfight  cc

About the Contributing Author:

Michelle is a writer, freelancer, and author of her blog Social We Love. She’s written about almost every topic under the sun, and loves constantly learning about new subjects and industries while she’s writing.

In her spare time she enjoys spending time outdoors with her dogs. Follow her on Twitter: @Mich_Rebecca and Google+

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