Vixen Favorites: La Fee Verte Silk Crepe Printed Romper

By Mylittlevixen

As the arrival of summer comes upon us, it means its time to finally tuck all those winter thread to make room for breezy clothes that will help you relax for the scorching sunny days. One of my favorite pieces to wear in the summer for a day of relaxation is a chic but extra comfy romper to roam around my home while sipping on some homemade iced tea. So since they week’s Vixen Favorites comes only days before the start of Memorial Day Weekend, I thought it was only appropriate to suggest a easy-going summer ready romper that all my readers will surely love. This week’s lingerie look – the La Fee Verte Silk Printed Romper.

There are so many reasons why I love this romper. Let’s begin with the trendy black-and-white pattern with solid black trimming along its silky edges. The elegant simplicity for the piece is what attracted me the most. When it comes loungewear, some less is more and that mantra is perfectly personified in this summer romper. Whether it’s laying out in your backyard getting your tan on or simply a relaxing day within your cozy humble home, this romper is the perfect summer essential for those warm, gorgeous days ahead.

The La Fee Verte Silk Printed Romper retails at $120 USD. You can purchase it at Journelle’s online boutique here

Until the next time,

xoxo The Vixen