VIVA! Part One

By Veronicavintage @RockSteadyUSMC

Hi dolls! I apologize for the lack of posting recently, but my health has been at the forefront or things and I am now slated to have another shoulder surgery this Friday – this time on the opposite shoulder. I have a torn labrum and a fracture of the humeral head (the part of your upper arm bone that goes into your shoulder). So, I am going in for my sixth time getting cut open. Hence the radio silence! But I wanted to make a few posts whilst I still had both my arms and hands available to do so ;-)

Although it has been several months, I have quite a stockpile of great photos and videos from Viva that I am sure no one will mind seeing or re-visiting if you had the wonderful opportunity to attend. This was the last Viva held on Easter weekend – hereafter, Viva will be held near Easter weekend, but not directly during it. I am sure that means numbers of those attending will skyrocket!

One of my first stops was the Charles Phoenix show. Ever since I randomly decided to attend his show last year, I loved it and had to go back. It’s always pretty packed in the showroom because many others think so too! He was his usual zany self, in his crazy wardrobe, with his awesome shots.

Check out a little video I took below of his show:

Next up was the Burlesque Showcase, one of my favorites to attend at Viva.

First was Audrey Deluxe, the organizer of all of the burlesque events at Viva. She always has such cute routines!

Tara MiSioux was next up, and she is one of my favorites. She always has classy, vintage-styled routines set to jazz-y music.

Kitten & Lou were next, and they had such a cute and kitschy routine!

One of my absolute favorites, Roxi D’Lite, was up next. She has such amazing dancing and acrobatic skills, and she is gorgeous!

The fabulous Ms. Perle Noire followed Roxi. She is known for her energy and spunk and did not disappoint in that!

One of the last acts was one that I had anticipated the most, as I am an avid follower of Lou Lou D’Vil on Instagram and Facebook and I think she is super talented (not to mention beyond beautiful!). She is from Finland and her acts are always fierce and on point!

Warning: NSFW Content (pastie falls off)

“But what did you wear?!” You ask? Well…

During the day I wore an amazingly detailed vintage Mexican-style dress from the 1950s, complete with beautiful embroidery and gorgeous lace inlays. Very light and flowy! At night I wore the Tatyana Gold Digger dress, one of my favorite “night out” dresses for sure. Just look at it – it screams “vintage glam”!
Stay tuned for the next Viva post, along with my excursion to California for some Old Hollywood quality time!