Vintage Review: Sunshine

Posted on the 23 May 2013 by Kittyfairy @KittyFairy
Rating: 15   Release Date: 2007   Director: Danny Boyle Starring: Cillian Murphy, Chris Evans, Michelle Yeoh, Rose Byrne Sex: No Violence: Minor Language: Minor
I went in to see this film, knowing very little about it, other than the fact that it reunited Danny Boyle and Cillian Murphy with Alex Garland, following the huge success of 28 Days Later. I went in with a completely clean slate, expecting little and I was really surprised as to what I saw.
Written by Alex Garland, author and Screenwriter of The Beach and 28 Days Later; Sunshine, is the story of a group who are on a dangerous mission aimed at planting a bomb in order to reignite the fading sun. But, don’t be mistaken into believing that this is simply another Sci-fi movie, this is in fact another of Garland’s excellent psychological thrillers, that examines the psyche of the types of people that would volunteer to participate in such an excruciating task, and how it effects their emotions and psychological state. Ultimately, the film explores what it is to be human, in a way that allows us to relate and dissect ourselves as people. It especially makes you, as the audience; seriously think about how you would react to being in such an extreme situation.
At times, sadly, the plot seems to wear a little thin, with dramas thrown into the lineage, seemingly to stir things up and add excitement into the story pot, in a way that seems incredibly over the top, unnecessary and amazingly unrealistic.
That aside, Chris Evans’ is the excellent voice of reason, and proves that he isn’t just an action hero, but also an amazing fresh talent. Rose Byrne is perfectly matched to her character, but at times her dowdiness becomes irritating, and you just wish she’d shush. Michelle Yeoh’s character seemed greatly under-used, and it’s easy to forget what a talent she has, with this being a far stretch from the type of film that we have become accustomed to seeing Yeoh in. Cillian Murphy was destined to be the main protagonist, and everything seems so set-up around his character. He gets all the heroic scenes, he does stupid things, that if anyone else did them they wouldn’t survive, but because it’s Murphy, he always does.
What makes this film so spectacular, is that it never strays off the ultimate mission of the story, it never gets side-lined with romance, that you half expect between Murphy, Evans, and Byrne’s characters. And, all the way through you never really feel sure about how it will end, the will they or won’t they succeed? And the will they or won’t they survive? Questions are there even to the last minute, even when you become fully aware of the answer, you half expect it to turn.
Of course, we mustn’t ignore the excellent special effects of this film, which often has you believing that it was really filmed in space, on a real spacecraft heading towards the sun. It is truly magnificent to watch visually, and often takes your breath away.
Note: This review was originally written in 2007, and the rating I gave it at the time was: 7 out of 10.
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