Vintage Hair and Styling — Meet Bethany Jane Davies

By Claire

I had the priv­i­lege of watch­ing a very select group of wed­ding experts at work recently… I still can’t divulge all the cloak-and-dagger details of this amaz­ing shoot but I can’t resist telling you about the fas­ci­nat­ingly tal­ented Bethany Jane Davies.

Bethany Jane Davies joined the team — Chris Han­ley Pho­tog­ra­phy, Marry Me Films, Vin­tage Twee and Nia Fiori — on a two-day cre­ative shoot to cre­ate the most won­der­fully excit­ing and glam­orous hair for mod­els Jo and Nia.

With­out get­ting in anyone’s way I did my best to peer over her shoul­der from time to time each morn­ing and watch her at work. Bethany owns The Vin­tage Beauty Par­lour and she’s an expe­ri­enced free­lance hair and make-up artist with a back­ground in tele­vi­sion, fash­ion and film. She was per­son­ally trained by Versace’s head styl­ist at the pres­ti­gious School of Make-Up — and it really was excit­ing to see her work­ing with Jo and Nia!

Jo and Nia. Styling Bethany Jane Davies and photo credit Chris Han­ley Photography

On day one Bethany metic­u­lously crimped Jo’s hair, combed it into a spec­tac­u­lar frenzy and cre­ated a beau­ti­fully slick vin­tage style for Nia; on day two Jo’s hair went up in vic­tory rolls and Nia’s tresses were teased into shiny, tum­bling waves for their artists’ set. Their make up for the shoot was done by the lovely Neirn Khi­amsap. Don’t they look stunning?

The Vin­tage Beauty Par­lour — a pop-up salon!

With a pas­sion for all things vin­tage, Bethany Jane Davies works with bur­lesque artists, celebri­ties, film & tele­vi­sion pro­duc­ers, and pri­vate clients, all look­ing for their own slice of vin­tage glamour.

The Vin­tage Beauty Par­lour Launch their Fab­u­lous New Loy­alty Scheme

The Vin­tage Beauty Par­lour by Bethany Jane Davies

Brand new for 2012, The Vin­tage Beauty Par­lour has intro­duced a brand new loy­alty scheme so you look beau­ti­ful for beans! Pre-book four make-up or hair ses­sions priced at £20 each and save over 50%! Hair and Make-Styling by the Vin­tage Beauty Par­lour is usu­ally priced at £40 per ses­sion or £70 when com­bin­ing hair and make-up. What’s more, you can even spread your four beauty ses­sions between you and you friends if you all book for the same day, that’s just £20 each for ulti­mate girlie pampering!

All make-up and hair ses­sions will take place at Bethany Jane Davies’s home hair salon com­plete with 50’s black and white lino floor­ing and pretty pink hair over­head dryer! Bethany Jane Davies is every inch of your glam­orous vin­tage beau­ti­cian! She’s super pro­fes­sional yet com­pletely per­son­able and will work with you to achieve your favorite vin­tage icon! You can choose from The Vin­tage Beauty Par­lours “Muse Menu” or bring a pic­ture of your desired look.

The art of pin curls, vic­tory rolls and the per­fect porce­lain com­plex­ion need not only be saved for extra spe­cial occa­sions like birth­days and anniver­saries! With such great sav­ings your stan­dard Sat­ur­day nights out can be just as glam­orous! The Vin­tage Beauty Parlour’s Loy­alty Scheme can also be pur­chased as a gift so would be ideal for ladies with busy social diaries that require ultra-glam beautifying!

To pur­chase The Vin­tage Beauty Parlour’s Loy­alty Scheme please visit —

See more pho­tos, news updates and sto­ries from Bethany Jane Davies and The Vin­tage Beauty Par­lour on face­book: