Vintage French Chic ~~ Photographic Memory of Summer

By Vintagefrenchchic


When I say I am taking a blogging break, I guess I mean it.  Summer has come and gone and I guess I did too.  I have really good reasons for being absent–both good and bad…mostly good.  Before I share some of my summer memories with you I want to let you in on a little secret:

I haven’t missed blogging…very much.  So getting back to it is a MAJOR exercise in self-discipline (currently I am chained to the sofa –with a coffee drip!).  Being unplugged from the blogging world and my computer has been liberating.  Don’t get me wrong– I was still, at times, reading/visiting blogs.  But by unplugging so much, I lost my compelling urge to comment on everything I read.  Seriously, who cares what I think anyway?  Just another voice, another opinion, in this world of static we have created for ourselves.  I know!  Harsh.  But my opinion comes from positive feedback.  Have you noticed that there are A LOT of GREAT blogs out there?  And I swear, there is a bit of a writer in all of us.  But I ask again…have you noticed there are A LOT of blogs out there?  I find it overwhelming to keep up, to compartmentalize everything I read, to remember who said what and when, and to distinguish if what I am reading is adding value or merit to my life. And the time involved.  Oh my.

Have I ever been diagnosed with OCD, you wonder?  No.  But the question is now under advisement.

Maybe I think too much…or care too much.  I don’t know.  What I do know is that the absence of blogging/blogs in my life gave me perspective I hadn’t had in a long time.  Do I need to share so much of my life, so many of my thoughts, with the world?  Am I happier if I do or if I don’t?  Has blogging/social media had a positive or negative impact on my friendships and real human contact?  These have been some of my thoughts lately.  And because I am both introverted and vintage (old fashioned), working these conflicting thoughts out has taken a toll some time.  My conclusions?  Still in the works.  I am trying to find my balance just like everyone else.  Until then…

…enjoy some photos from my summer.  July was the most memorable month of my life thus far.  Not only did hubs and I celebrate our 20th year of marital BLISS, we also were privileged to attend a special event in Germany and from there we spent some glorious days in Europe.  Take a peek:







At every turn, in every country, stunning beauty.  I wasn’t going to put so many photos up here but I am glad that I did because I had most of my photos (from my camera and iPod) developed the old-fashioned way…on 4×6 paper…and they looked horrible.  So horrible that I really questioned my ability to take a photo of anything.  However, seeing my photos on a computer screen gives me renewed appreciation of what we got to see and experience (and I am wondering how much of my photo disappointment had more to do with the developing process at the store I used verses my actual photos–grrr).  I hope you enjoyed them too!

But all was not roses while on vacation.  When we were in Venice, I got an email from the woman boarding Rockefeller that he blew out his back left knee (we had the right one done about 2 years ago).  I bawled like a baby that whole night.  And I knew, halfway through our vacation, what was waiting for us when we returned…another surgery, another couple months of recuperation, a whopper vet bill.  It was a bummer to know my dog was hurt and to know that as soon as we got home, vacation would be truly over.  So yes, he had surgery at the beginning of August.  He is doing great now…thank goodness.  It seemed that his recovery was slower this time around than last but I think he is going to be OK.

This was the day I took him to see this:

Reluctantly, while he was still healing, I took a three day mini-vacay at the beginning of this month to go to Chicago with my mom.  This was the first time mom and I had EVER done a girls’ getaway together…at least from what we can remember.  I mean, with no husbands or kids, you know?  We had a wonderful time!

Chicago is always a good time!  And yes, of course (!) I went to the Art Institute of Chicago.  Love that place.  We also “discovered” the Walnut Room in the Macy’s on State Street…both gorgeous and yummy.  Another special treat?  We had dinner with the lovely Viveka and her friend Anne Lise…all the way from Sweden.  Chicago was a stop for them before heading out to Las Vegas.  Viveka was just as lovely in person as she is on her blog.  Thank you for taking the time to dine with us, gals!

Because of being gone for so long and then Rockefeller’s surgery on the heels of our trip, we didn’t get out to Lake Michigan more than a couple of times.  This is a sad admission from someone living so close to its glorious shores.  But here are a couple shots from when we did go:

So there you have it.  The highlights of my summer in one LONG blog post.  I hope all of you enjoyed some special summer moments this year.  Now the air is getting crisper and I am waiting patiently for Fall to bestow its warm, russet beauty upon us.

To quote from a newly found favorite British sitcom, “Miranda”:

“bear with.  bear with. bear with…” as I sort out my future with this blog.

As always, thank you for reading.
