Video: Tommy Caldwell Talks Climbing, Adversity, and Overcoming Challenges

Posted on the 30 October 2015 by Kungfujedi @Kungfujedi
Think you know Tommy Caldwell because you followed his ascent of the Dawn Wall earlier this year? If that's all you know about this man, than you don't really know him at all. But his TED Talk gives us more insights into what drives him, both as a climber and as a person. Today, he is known as one of the greatest rock climbers in the world, but to get to this point he had to overcome a great deal of adversity – including being taken hostage in Kyrgyzstan, losing a finger in an accident, and training hard for the toughest climb on Earth. This video discusses all of that and more. It is an inspiring and enlightening 17-minute talk that everyone should watch. I hope you do too.