Video Game Company CryTek Creating Virtual Reality Climbing Game

Posted on the 17 December 2015 by Kungfujedi @Kungfujedi
Many tech experts believe that the next big boom in the industry will come in the way of virtual reality. 2016 is shaping up to be a big year for VR with the release of the Oculus Rift and Sony's Playstation VR headsets. This hardware, coupled with some state of the art videos, movies, and games, promises to revolutionize the way we experience entertainment and virtual environments. Now, a major video game company has announced that it is preparing to release a new game alongside the Oculus Rift this spring that will give players a lifelike climbing experience unlike anything they've ever seen before.
CryTek is probably best known for its Far Cry and Crysis series of action games. Both use a sophisticated 3D game engine called the CryEngine to render their virtual environments. But the company has taken that same technology and applied it to virtual reality, and is currently putting the final touches on a game called The Climb, which will drop players into "hyper-realistic climbing locations from around the world" which they'll be able to explore completely on their own.
Beyond that, not a whole lot is known about the game, although you can get a brief teaser of what to expect in the video below. It takes us to what appears to be a region of China, where you can attempt to climb some of the Karst Towers that are so famous from that country.
Obviously a VR experience will never replace going out and actually climbing yourself. But, this does look fun and interesting none the less. Not all of us get the chance to visit some of the remote locations that the game will depict, and even if we did, we probably wouldn't have the skill set necessary to climb there. Through this game, and a VR headset, we might get at least an idea of what that is like. I know I for one, would love to at least give it a try.
Take a look at the video, and tell me what you think.