Victory! Alyssa’s First In-Toilet Poop

Posted on the 16 December 2013 by Steveonline @steve_online

You probably have already burned your eyes with her fecal concoction from the home page or preview button. Sorry, I had to do it. If you were hoping for a detailed blog post on the emotions surrounding the trials and tribulations of mom and dad getting her to finally drop a deuce in the toilet bowl you have come to the wrong place!!

DSC 0161 300x199 Victory! Alyssas First In Toilet PoopWe have been working for months getting Alyssa to use the toilet more and more each week. Certain times like early morning, before a bath, etc. she has gotten down really well and is pretty much a lock on using the toilet those times.

She hated having her own potty seat and we ended up going with the don’t fall in rings that you drop on your own seat. She loves that legs dangling, whooshing water under the hiney experience, can’t blame her we all do! She will also flush for herself and wipe the front after peeing. Not bad for 21 months in. I know people now who probably have more issues on the toilet than she does icon smile Victory! Alyssas First In Toilet Poop

Sad News –It’s been 2 weeks and we have NOT had a repeat poop land in the water to date. She has been sick though the past week+ which I’m sure damages her general ability to control the pooper door. Until next time…