Very Inspiring Blogger Award

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Several weeks ago (or months, the time has kind of been blurring together) I was nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by Francis of the Bibliophile Chronicles and I haven’t had time to respond to or accept this fantastic award.

So, here are the rules:
1) Display the Award banner on your blog
2) Link back to and thank the person who presented you with the award (thanks Francis!)
3) List 7 facts about yourself (that your blog following doesn’t already know)
4) Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award
5) Let those bloggers know

Now, at the risk of being a wet blanket…I’m not nominating 15 other bloggers.  While I always feel touched people have chosen me to win awards I’ve had multiple bloggers I’ve nominated send me polite messages asking that I never nominate them for awards again because they take too much time to accept, feel too much like chain letters, etc… etc… But that doesn’t mean there aren’t blogs out there that I find incredibly inspiring, in fact all the blogs I follow have inspired me in some way or another.  So if you have a blog I’ve visited and left a comment or two on just know that you’ve inspired me (and if you’d like an official award nomination let me know and I’ll link back to you to make it official)

Now for 7 things about myself:
1) The best cheesecake I’ve ever had is from the cheesecake factory (or more specifically cheesecake factory brand cheesecake sold at barnes and noble)
2) I have a weird fascination with my DVR in the cable box.  After having to put VHS tapes in to record programs and spending almost as long as the show you’re trying to record setting up to record it amazes me I can push a button and technology does it for me.  It’s like I have little helper elves living in my t.v.
3) The only reason my family caved and finally got cable is because we’re obsessed with Game of Thrones.
4) Somedays I really wish I could take a month off from all responsibilities, go to somewhere I’ve never been before, and read books in a variety of coffee shops.  In fact, I might find some time to just try out new coffee shops in my city just to feel like I’ve been on vacation.
5) The future scares me more than any horror movie ever has and I would give anything for a note from my future self saying it’s all going to be okay.
6) Whenever I get up early enough to watch the news while I’m getting read I feel like a real adult…but I’d really rather just watch Psych reruns.
7) In one month it will be 3 years since the worst day ever.