“Very Hearty Food That Is Delicious and Keeps You Satisfied“

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Last year about 70,000 people signed up for free guidance, meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, troubleshooting tips etc., via the two-week keto low-carb challenge.

We've now redesigned and updated the challenge to make it even greater... and it's still free! Just in these first two weeks of the year more than 15,000 people have signed up.

Here are reactions from the people who have tried it over the last two weeks.

I have to admit that I am a little disappointed with my weight-loss results. I followed the plan completely - no cheating - and I only lost 2 lbs (1 kg) in the 2-week period.

On the upside I feel much better. I have been having terrible stomach issues for the past year or so, to the point where I visited my doctor and was put through several tests - including a CAT scan. I've been told I have IBS. Once I started eating low carb all those issues disappeared!

I have joined Diet Doctor and am continuing on the keto plan. I've really enjoyed the meal plan and the shopping list makes it so easy. I'm so glad I found your website!

Thank you!

On day 3 and 4 we both felt a little odd with less energy or motivation to do much. However, we got over that and took your advice by taking oxo cubes with hot water.

Hi Andreas,

My partner and I took on the challenge, we thoroughly enjoyed cooking all the different meals together. In week one I lost 4 lbs (2 kg), my partner lost 5 lbs (4 kg) and we didn't feel hungry or the need for carbs at all.

On day 3 and 4 we both felt a little odd with less energy or motivation to do much. However we got over that and took your advice by taking oxo cubes with hot water.

My partner continued to lose weight in week 2, I remained the same, so I've looked at some of the tips and I'm back on track. I may need to cut down my portion size and maybe reduce some of the fats. Today we are both feeling great and will continue with the LCHF lifestyle.

Kind regards,

Dear Diet Doctor,

I've lost 7 lbs (3 kg) in 2 weeks and am all set to continue. My goal is to be 154 lbs (70 kg) (42 more lbs off [19 kg]) by the summer when I am due to have an operation. I'm not great at following recipes so didn't follow all your recipes exactly. However I did stick to the principles of low/no carb and higher fat and it worked for me!

After a couple of days at the start I noticed a raging thirst and suppressed appetite. Both helped me to continue.

I also know now to go easy on the wine. I had three glasses of red wine at a friend's birthday. I was really shocked at how drunk I felt. I'm not drinking as much as I used to in general terms and certainly whatever I have has a much stronger impact on me compared to before.

Now I'm in a routine where I have eggs for breakfast. Salad and meat/fish for lunch and a hearty dinner. Though occasionally I have skipped meals because I'm simply not hungry. It's such a novel feeling to go without food and not be hungry. My cravings are almost nil too. Amazing.

Thanks for your help and pointing me in the right direction. All the videos and information was really helpful.

Best wishes,

The best only diet that I have ever used that works without constant hunger. I started at 226 lbs (103 kg) and lost 13 pounds (6 kg). Recipes are delicious and I am never hungry.

Many thanks,

Good Day Dr. Eenfeldt!

I have really appreciated how simple you make the challenge. The videos, menus, shopping helps all work to make the challenge simple, and show the change in eating is easy.

Very hearty food that is delicious and keeps you satisfied.

We also love most of the menu items. Very hearty food that is delicious and keeps you satisfied.

I have been a "cheater" who cannot walk past the pastry case at the store without drooling... and giving in. When I took on the challenge, I made an oath to myself to not give in, and I was able to lose about 10 pounds (5 kg). My starting weight was at 213 lbs (97 kg), and I am now at 203 lbs (92 kg). My goal is about 185 pounds (84 kg).

I would have lost more, but I have had several incidents of constipation, and when that happened I tried to be more conscious of water consumption and adding more leafy greens. That helps some.

What I am most concerned about is seeing my blood glucose level drop. It has always been elevated, but not dangerous. My wife and I have sworn off sugar, and the only sweetener we use is Stevia. I also love Zevia soft drinks now (Stevia sweetened).

We exercise daily, using high intensity interval training, much like what you recommend in your video.

Going on from here, we are staying with the program, but cutting back some on our food portions and adding more salad to try to avoid the constipation. I plan on finally breaking under the 200 pound (91 kg) barrier! Thank you for the encouragement!

I may be in my 60s, but I want to be as active as possible, and God willing, be able to outrun my grandchildren!

Again, thank you for making this available, easy, and understandable. We have shared your site with many, and hope they will catch on too!


I was successful with the low-carb challenge! I lost 10 lbs (5 kg) and averaged 25 total carbs (17 net) per day, 80 g protein, and 117 g fat per day.

I have ulcerative colitis and I typically eat paleo, which has improved my condition, but underlying inflammation persisted. I am trying keto to see if it will help resolve the remaining inflammation. At this time I have seen additional improvement with my inflammatory disease and I plan to continue eating the keto way!


Dear Andreas,

I am fifty years old and have been trying to lose 35-40 pounds (16-18 kg) for the past 15 years. Before I had a baby in my mid-30s I always weighed 108 lbs (49 kg). So, carrying weight feels pretty horrible. I have felt fatigued, irritable and uncomfortable in my own skin for far too long.

I also have low blood sugar.

The past two weeks on this diet/way of life has been interesting.

The past two weeks on this diet/way of life has been interesting. The first week I dropped 6 lbs (3 kg) and a half of an inch (1 cm) around my waist. Even though I am still craving foods I feel a lot better. I don't think I am eating enough fat... I don't care much for meat, but I am eating it as recommended. I have not lost another single pound nor inch....

I am now a registered member on your web page. My son has a friend who lost 150 lbs (68 kg) on your diet. I know it works, I just don't know if it's going to work for me.

I love the videos and the help.

Trying to thrive again,