Very Exciting News

By Booksnob

A couple of weeks ago, the lovely Simon at Stuck in Book asked me if I fancied partnering with him to create a podcast. As this seemed like a very exciting prospect, and something I would never have had the slightest clue about creating if I was doing it by myself, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. What could be more fun than chatting about books, and chatting about those books with Simon, who is hilarious and happens to (mostly) share my taste in literature?!

We recorded our very first podcast last week, and it’s now live and accessible via Stuck in a Book, right here!

As I am an actual Luddite, I am going to need to spend some time working out how to post it directly onto Book Snob, as there are many things involving hosting sites and other technological words I don’t understand that I need to navigate in order to so, but I hope I will have that sorted soon! Simon is also in the process of getting it onto iTunes, because he is far more competent than I am.

I’ve been blogging for six years now so it’s really exciting to have a new avenue of communication to explore. Simon and I are very keen to get your feedback and ideas – we’re still tinkering around with our equipment and such, and if anyone has any technological advice for me on posting to my blog, that would be much appreciated – but we hope you’ll really enjoy the concept as well as the opportunity to hear our dulcet tones rather than just reading our writing!

We’ve called our podcast ‘Tea or Books’, and the ‘or’ is key, as the premise of each podcast is going to be us debating two book-related topics. We like the idea of having a discussion around a theme or idea, followed by an author grudge match. So, our first podcast tackles the issues of books in translation v books written in English set abroad, and Emily v Charlotte Bronte. We are very open to suggestions for future topics, so please do comment below with any ideas!

I hope you’ll enjoy the first episode – please let us know what you think, and if you have anything to add to what we have discussed!