vegaLASH // Cruelty Free and Vegan Lash Serum

By Bria

Do I want longer, thicker, fuller, just more beautiful lashes naturally without mascara? Why yes, yes I do, very much please. Recently I was introduced to vegaLASH a 100% vegan, cruelty-free, and hormone-free lash conditioning serum. It's even been clinically proven to thicken eyelashes within 2 weeks of use. 

Naturally I have short, rather fine lashes. Recently I've had some discomfort with my eyelashes on the outer corner of both of my eyes tangling and being very uncomfortable, so much so that I actually ended up clipping them down. Since then they have been rather slow to grow back. I am going to try my best to use the vegaLASH consistently to really get the best results available. I will be taking some before and after photos and will do an update in 2-3 weeks to show you my progress.