Various Services Offered by a Family Dentist

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Dental hygiene applies to everyone, from bottle-feeding babies to adults. Visiting your dental specialist is vital to promote your general oral health. However, individual visits to different dentists may be tasking, especially in a family setup. Gentle Touch Dental PC is your trusted place for family dentistry in Falls Church, VA, provider. Below are the various types of services provided at the facility:

Dental implants

Dental implants are metal posts used as artificial roots for a missing tooth. If you have a missing tooth, your dentists may recommend dental implant surgery.

Before the procedure, your doctor will develop a personalized treatment plan to address your particular needs. The tooth implant is then inserted inside the bone socket of your missing tooth. Your jaw bone takes approximately six to 12 weeks to grow around your tooth implant. After the implant is anchored in place, your dentist connects an abutment to support your new tooth. An impression of your tooth acts as a guide for creating your new tooth replacement, called a crown. Your specialists will then attach the crown to your abutment.

Periodontal disease treatment

Periodontitis is a dental disease that causes severe gum infection. Poor oral hygiene. Lack of brushing your teeth causes accumulation of plaque on your teeth's surface Formation of bacteria on your teeth may result in gum recession. In this condition, your gums pull away from your teeth. Various symptoms for periodontitis include:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Red, tender, and swollen gums

During a professional cleaning, your specialist removes tartar and plaque from the surface and roots of your teeth. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat gum infection and give you oral hygiene tips to keep your teeth healthy, including:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using a toothpaste containing fluoride
  • Floss after meals
  • Avoid smoking
  • Visit your dentists every six months for a check-up

Tooth extraction

You may need to remove your tooth for various reasons such as tooth decay, crowding, or infection. Your specialist may recommend a simple surgical extraction depending on whether the extracted tooth is visible or impacted. During a simple extraction, your dentist will administer a local anesthetic to prevent pain during the procedure and use an elevator to loosen your tooth. Your specialist then uses an anesthetic to cause numbing and will use forceps to remove your tooth. For a surgical extraction, your doctor will use local and intravenous anesthesia or may use both. After the treatment area is numb, your dentist will make an incision around your tooth to help with tooth extraction. You may experience pain and swelling after the procedure.

Dental veneers

A veneer is a thin tooth covering made out of porcelain or composite resin. Your dentist may suggest dental veneers for you to:

  • Cover tooth discoloration
  • Repair a broken or chipped tooth
  • Shape irregular teeth

Before installing veneers, your specialist ensures your gums and teeth are healthy. You may require three trips to your dentists for consultation, fabrication, and installation of veneers. Tooth coverings improve the appearance of your teeth and may also improve your self-confidence.

A family dentist is trained to address the different needs of your family members. Schedule an appointment with your specialist at Gentle Touch Dental PC to learn more about family dentistry and improve your dental health.