Valentines Day Spa Baskets – DIY Tips And Ideas

By Girlratesworld @girlratesworld

Valentines Day its days away which may have some of us in “crunch mode.”  I won’t say that I’m in crunch mode just yet. But I am suffering from a dilemma – what sorta gift to give this year for Valentines Day that would be unexpected?  Then, it came to me…spa baskets.

A Bunch Of Goodies Showering Down On Me

Spa baskets are great for Valentines Day because you can fill them with anything. What piñatas are to kids is what spa baskets are to me – a bunch of goodies showering down on me! For couples, filling the basket with things you and your partner will enjoy is ideal. Or, more importantly, things you guys can share together {wink, wink}. Include specialty items as well everyday items such as manicure sets, candles and loofahs. You know, those things you can never have too much of.

Chocolate Body Creams and Strawberry Scrubs

Flowers. Chocolates. Strawberries. Blah, blah, blah. That’s so typical for Valentines Day. How about indulging your senses? Use strawberry and chocolate based items in your bath and body products instead. Check out this Chocolate and Strawberries Collection by 100% pure. It includes (1) a chocolate coffee body wash, (2) a strawberry body scrub, (3) a chocolate coffee body cream, (4) a strawberry body cream, (5) a cocoa berry lip gloss, and (6) a strawberry lip and cheek tint. Yummy! Also worth noting, all of their products are 100% natural – double yummy.

Creating your own Valentines Day spa basket can be fun. Customizing them will exercise your creative side as you reflect on great memories. They are also cheaper than traditional Valentines Day gift items and very couple friendly.

Hey, We’re making memories here!

Spa baskets should explode with personality. Add in some personal touches like letters, old postcards or even pictures that will get the conversation going. Hey, we’are making memories here! Adding in some edible chocolate and a little champagne won’t hurt either but keep the basket’s theme personal.

What were some of your best, non-traditional Valentines Day gifts that you have received or given? The best for me was a collage of pictures with us hanging out and having a good time. It really made me choke up. I can be such a mush! Be sure to get social with me – Twitter, Facebook, iTunes and Youtube