Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

By Jadato @jadatonet
Hello Saturday,
I'm back in Wichita, KS my hometown hanging out with my family. My mom is so sweet still giving my sister and I Valentine Day baskets even though we are both way older these days. I love receiving them so I hope she nevers stops giving them to us :) She got me the box set of Audrey Hepburn's greatest movies.

My hubbie and I are trying to watch more classic films so I'm excited to watch all three of these from one of my favorite actresses. My mom got me some new silly socks to wear and a really great knuckle ring. I haven't been adventurous to buy one of these yet but my mom is always above the trends. I can't until Valentine's Day so I hope to give you a few gift ideas ladies/gentlemen. I'm still brewing up a few but wouldn't guys love this traveling bar set? (Remember drink responsibly :)