
By Heathernichole
I’m home from vacation. I am a homebody so I am happy to be back, even if it is the desert. It’s difficult living out of a suitcase and sleeping on a bed that you aren’t familiar with. I was actually sick pretty much my entire vacation. I ended up getting an earache and I'm still a little sore. My sore throat is also still lingering. I feel like that all has to do with my lack of exercise and poor nutrition choices. Other than that, it was a lovely week.
It was my first time to Catalina Island. I could definitely see myself living there…if they ever built a mall. Oh, and they’d need to get a Whole Foods too. All they have is Von’s and the space was limited so soyrizo and Nugo Bars were not on the shelves.
The island is very small and there are only so many things to do so you are forced to unwind. The weather was perfect. I actually had to wear a jacket every evening.
We did a lot of walking and relaxing. I ate too much and drank just enough. I didn’t even think about calories or macros or my carb intake. That’s what a vacation is for, right?
Most people dread coming home from vacation but I was actually ready to get back to my routine. I feel pudgy, I miss the gym and I’m looking forward to tracking my food again.
Here are some photos from my trip. There are quite a few. You’ve been warned.

I’m pretty sure I had at least one alcoholic beverage every day I was there.

I was feeling really fat about halfway through my trip. I took this photo and realized I still looked okay. I’m too hard on myself.

Bathing suit is vintage- my mom’s from the 90’s. Hard to believe clothes from the 90’s are vintage now.

This was heaven. Birthday cake ice cream inside a waffle bowl.

Our last night on the island. He hates when I make him smile for a pic.

My boyfriend bought me these three rings (one gold, one silver, one rose gold) after I commented on them. I'm in love with them and him.