Vaadi Herbals Instaglow Almond & Honey Face Pack - Love It!

By Hlthbeauty
Hey all..
I have been wanting to share about this great face pack find of mine with you all for a while now.
Vaadi Herbals Instaglow Almond & Honey Face Pack it is!

There is not one single thing that I do not like or have to complain about this product... Read on to know more as to why I am going gung-ho about this face pack.....
Let's see each facet of this product and my thoughts on the same one by one -
Price - INR 90 for 120 g.
Availability - In most online shopping portals. Can be brought from - the brand's official website as well.
Ingredients - See below pic. Only key ingredients are listed.

Packaging - 
The mask comes in a classy tube packaging - travel-friendly and hygienic.
The way I see it - 
I do not like to spend all the energy I got from eating breakfast into squeezing a pea-size of the mask from the tube.
The mask consistency in this case is like that of a toothpaste - creamy, easy to squeeze, applies like a dream and to wash off too.
The fragrance is very mild and soothing -  mild nutty and spicy owing to almonds & nutmeg in its ingredients.
It dries off quickly in about 10 minutes time but does not stretch out the skin.

It suits my normal-dry skin (leaning to drier in winters) to the 'T'. I wouldn't call it moisturizing but it ain't drying either.
My face is brightened up nicely, looks more even-toned with every usage. It gives a nice glow true to its name and thus perfect for before-party perk me ups!
Above all - one can use this every single day without issues of breakouts or budget! I am!
Hands down, one of the best masks I have ever used and I am definitely stocking up on these in multiples.
PR Sample - Brutally honest review!