V10 Plus Anti-ageing Workshop (Blogger and Media Event)

By Ireviewuread

Being an active blogger for about a year plus, I’ve finally attended a blogger and media event! (Hallelujah!)

Huge thanks to V10 Plus for the invite.

So, yes this V 10 Plus anti-aging workshop is my first ever Blogger and media event which I ever attended!

Anyways, What is V10 Plus? V10 Plus is a brand which helps woman achieve beautiful skin through the ranges of products. Being known internationally across 16 countries in just 8 years is such a blessing for V10 Plus. What really stands out from V10 Plus is their colorful serums. Ranging from Bio cell to Cermaide to even Hyaluronic Acid, V10 Plus provide a total of 10 different types of serums. Apart from all these, V10 Plus is also get many awards from Simply Her, Smart Shopper awards to Cosmopolitan Beauty Awards 2013!

OK enough of my lengthy intro about the brand.Time to touch on what happened in the event!

Do note: Photos might be yellowish because of the lighting there.

While waiting for the arrival of the bloggers, I managed to snap some pictures from their displays on their ranges of products on the table at the front!

After most/all of the bloggers have arrived, the V10 Plus staff closed the doors and the presentation begins!

First off, we have their Sales Manager, Mr Benson introducing to us more about V10 Plus.

Next, we have the V10 Plus Ceo, Ms Akiko Yokokta and V10 Plus Finland Agent, Ms Nina Forsell giving a little speech about V10 Plus!

Answer to the question in the Powerpoint slide: In the dark! (Yes, it’s suppose to be a joke)

After the 2 ladies have presented their speech, Dr Elias Tan stepped in to allow us to have a mini Bio lesson and help us understand more about our skin!

Subsequently, after the presentation have ended, it’s finally time for refreshments!

As expected, there are sushi (This event is held at the Japanese Association of Singapore so yeah….)! The Cavair sushi roll run out super fast! By the time I reached there, there was none left :( (I was one of the last few to get my food) Apart from the sushi, there were also sandwiches, chicken wings, some fish ball like thingys and cookies! Of course for drinks, there were coffee, tea and ice water served!

Overall, I felt that this event is a great place to socialize with other bloggers and learn more about V10 Plus brands and products! (Really got me thinking that I should start printing & designing IreviewUread cards for my next blogger event)

Of course, there’s a cute little goodie bag for everyone! Here’s what’s in it!

I’ll be reviewing the below 2 products from the goodie bag in the future like way way in the future:

  • V10 Plus Brightening Cleanser
  • V10 Plus Collagen Serum

Meanwhile, you can check out V10 Plus:

Instagram: http://instagram.com/v10plus#

Twitter: https://twitter.com/v10plusjp


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/v10plusjp

for more upcoming promotions!


Note: If you want to see more picture from the event, check them out HERE