Using Google for Smart Definitions

Posted on the 24 August 2013 by Geekybrains @sreekanth_br
Seven years back I have met Google for first time. From that point Google has become a part of my life. If nothing strikes to my mind for a typical question, I quickly type it in the magical search box to get an answer.
Using Google operators is a smart way to find many sources. Recently Google has improved it’s built in Dictionary service which can now be used without a colon symbol [:]

That means both of the following queries will give the same results

define: Geek

define Geek

Search for any word for its definition using Define operator

Not just this small change, Google has implemented an inbuilt Dictionary tool which can explain the origin of a word you are looking for. You can translate the same word into many different languages with a drop-down selection.

Get etymology of a word when you search on Google by using Define operator

Google Now on Mobile

The same is already available on Google Now on Android operating system. In fact it looks great in Android compared to the web. You can even perform a voice search by saying “define Geek” which will reply back to you in voice. Wow ! That’s sounds great Google.