Using Color Toner and Patience to Go Platinum

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

In recent years, the blonde trends have transitioned from yellow gold tones to ethereal silver and white blond hues. To get one's hair to this point takes a lot of time, money, and patience, especially if you're working with darker hair, to begin with.

Here are some helpful tips for if you want to get silver-blonde hair, and if you hope to achieve it without all of your hair falling out.

Take it Slow

If you are fortunate enough to have lighter hair naturally, then you're in luck. The process will be fairly straightforward. If, however, you have dark hair, it will take a while for you to go blonde. If you have hair that's been dyed dark, it will take even longer than it otherwise would for a natural brunette. Prepare for an awkward brassy phase as you give your hair a chance to recover.

Use Purple Shampoo

Purple shampoo is a must-have for blondes. Uniq has a purple shampoo for blonde hair that will remove brassy tones and start to shift your hair toward the shimmery hues you desire. The color purple is the opposite of yellow on the color wheel, so the pigment in the shampoo tones your hair to make it cooler and whiter.

There are a lot of blondes who forgo using purple shampoo, as it costs substantially more than regular shampoo available on store shelves. Don't let the price difference deter you from using it; you won't use it every time you wash your hair. The average bottle of purple shampoo should last for months at a time, and it's well worth the investment.

Work with a Stylist

Unless you have ample haircare experience, working with a stylist is best practice when trying to go really blonde, especially if you have old dye in your hair. Your stylist can ensure that you're getting the color you desire and make it look more natural, so you don't end up with harsh roots that look like they're from a bad 90s movie.

A stylist can use foils to create a balayage effect that will grow out nicely so that you aren't constantly running to get your roots touched up. They can also recommend products you can use to treat your hair, offsetting the damaging effects of the bleach.

Invest in Products

Bleach is harsh on your locks, so in addition to using purple shampoo, you'll need to give your hair some TLC. That means investing in high-quality hair products.

Washing your hair too much will strip the natural oils . This is true whether or not you bleach your hair. However, when you bleach your hair, you need those natural oils to keep everything hydrated. Invest in some dry shampoo for your roots and some argan oil for your ends, as they'll dry out the quickest.

Give Yourself Time to Adjust

Going bright blonde can be quite a jarring transformation, even if you've wanted to do it for a long time. Try to schedule the transition during times when you have a few days before major events. Don't panic when you see yourself in the mirror and don't recognize the person there. Within a few days, you'll settle into your new look . If you don't like the new locks, it's a long process to go back.

The key takeaway here is that becoming a silvery blonde goddess is completely possible, but you should think long and hard before you start the process. You'll need to be patient - both between visits and while sitting in your stylist's chair - and you must be willing to invest time and money in maintenance. If you love the look, the investment is well worth it!
