Use a Filter to Wash Your Polyester Apparel

By Golfrefugees

The numbers are mind boggling. From a single kit sponsorship deal with a Premiership football club. Adidas predict sales of replica shirts, over the ten year duration of the contract, to exceed £1.5 billion. At £50 per replica shirt, this translates to 3 million shirt sales per annum. This represents a potential shedding of 12,400 microfibres from a single wash of a single replica polyester football shirt.- Plymouth University research data If you wash the 3 million replica football shirts once per week. Adidas are potentially generating 37,200,000,000 microfibres per week, from just a single club sponsorship deal. To try and imagine this figure, it corresponds to the number of cells you have in your body. This is why we are asking sportswear brands to direct their sponsored clubs to use a filter when washing their polyester kit. To help reduce billions of microplastics from reaching the oceans.