Update Post!

By Mascaraandmirrors93
Hello everyone

(Throwback to when I was 17!),

First off apologies for not posting within the last 2/3 months, I have been run off my feet with christmas, college work, exams, volunteering, studying.. but I'm back finally!I have no idea what the next few blog posts are going to throw at you, but feel free to suggest anything you may want to see or hear about (maybe throw in a few cheeky wee TAG posts).I haven't been shopping much lately but I have a few products and bits to talk about with you lovely lot, when I get a minute!I have recently been to Edinburgh with my boyfriend, this wasn't a shopping trip sorry to disappoint. We did manage to fit lots of things into the weekend that we enjoyed, including a cheeky wee american candy haul which made us very happy after a long day. I have been looking online at Plus North event, have any of you been before? I would love to go, I hate the stigma around body image for girls, I am glad that this event offers everyone the chance to look and feel beautiful! How are you all?Have you got any suggestions for me?Keep smiling, stay positive.x