Update: Clarisonic Mia

By Clickyourheels @redrubyheels
Well it's been over a month now since I purchased my Clarisonic and I have used it twice a day everyday since I purchased it. I am in love. This has been the best skincare purchase I have ever made and I am not sure how I ever went without it!
If anyone is interested in my original post you can find it here. The Clarisonic is something I've had my eye on for literally years. But similar to the GHD (as it goes another of my favorite beauty tools) I found it hard to justify the price tag for what looks essentially like an electric toothbrush for your face. After years of reading positive reviews on this product I bit the bullet and purchased it from my local Myer store.
There was a little trial and error involved in choosing the right products to use with the Clarisonic but I've finally settled on the Burt's Bees Sensitive Cleanser. You really need to use a cream or gel cleanser with it as foaming cleansers foam up way too much with the action of the head and you'll have foam in your eyes and all over your bathroom.
I've included some pictures of my skin below sans makeup so you can see the texture of my skin. Before I started using the Clarisonic I had issues with breakouts along my jawline and small bumps over my cheeks and forehead. The Clarisonic has helped to smooth out my skin and the texture of it feels so much better now. I did go through the initial "purging phase" some people complain of, where for the first week I had 1-2 new blemishes each day. This did concern me at first but after a bit of Googling I decided to push through it and by the second week there were no blemishes in sight.

As you can see I still have some issues with redness particularly around the nose. However I am very happy to say the overall clarity of my skin has improved dramatically. Most days I get by with just a bit of concealer around nose and under eyes as my base and I'm really happy with that!
I understand that this product is a big investment and not everyone has the money to spend on such an item but if you have problem skin and so have the $150 to invest in a Clarisonic I don't think you'll be disappointed. I've used similar products in the past where the tool has a rotating head versus a vibrating head but I can honestly say nothing compares to the results you'll see with this device.
You can purchase the Clarisonic Mia in stores at Myer and David Jones in Australia for approximately $150 but there are plenty of online retailers who also carry it you just have to do some Googling. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments section below.