Uniramia World

Posted on the 31 January 2022 by Matteofarinella
(to stay on the topic of personal work)

I have a confession to make… For over a year now I have been building an insect-themed sci-fi universe on a secret Instagram account @uniramiaworld. 

I haven’t been world-building this hard since I was a teenager, and for some reason, I still find it kind of embarrassing. The truth is that it has been a major source of comfort during this long pandemic. I’m starting to think of world-building as a coping mechanism: when the outside world seems so unpredictable it’s tempting to create one completely under our control – has anyone written about this? I’d love to read about the psychology behind this!

Anyhow, I have no idea where I’m going with this. One day I would love to tell some stories set in this universe but I want them to be filled with science (of course). Not in a pedantic way. I want teens to be able to read them just for the cool costumes and technology, while their entomologist parents nod contently in the back. 
For now, you can just follow @uniramiaworld for the occasional insect sci-fi. And of course, any feedback is welcome!

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