Unhappy About the Way You Look? Here’s What You Can Do

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

A lot of us don't like the way we look and really want to change that. Whether it is our eyes, our lips, our face, our body structure or something else, we are looking for ways to make it look a little bit different. But even though the change is exciting and we are really looking forward to it, it is also a little intimidating. You might not be sure how to do it and you may be dreading what it might do to you. if others will like your new look or not. These might be minor changes like changing your hair color or wearing less makeup or it might be drastic and/or permanent changes like dyeing your hair green or breast augmentation. Here are some of the things that you can try to make sure that you give a different vibe:

Change Your Hair

One of the best ways to change your look is to change your hair. There are a number of ways that you can change your hair. You can opt for either highlights or lowlights. You can also try a different and unique color for your hair like purple, pink, orange or something else. You can also experiment with going platinum blond or raven black. Another thing that you can try is hair chalk or various color sprays that temporarily change the color of your hair.

If the 'black widow' can pull it off then you should try it as well, don't you think?

When you are experimenting with these colors and highlights, keep an eye out for anything that catches your eye. When something does catch your eye, that is something that you can try for a longer period of time. Make sure that the hair color matches your skin tone. You can either do it yourself or if you want an expert to do it, you can go to any salon so that it can be done in a professional way.

Get a Haircut

Depending on the length of your hair, you can either shorten it or add extensions to give it a completely different look. Unlike hair color change, this change is a bit more permanent. You can either go for locks or a pixie cut, bangs or try an asymmetrical look. If you are trying to go for extensions then you have a world of choice between different styles. Want a sudden and dramatic change? You can also buzz off all your hair. It is not for everyone, but it is still an option. Again, just like hair color, you have to make sure that the hairstyle that you are choosing for yourself compliments your face. If all of these changes are way too permanent for you then just get a trim. It won't charge you a lot, but it will provide you with the fresh look that you want.

Different Ways to Check How You Look

Now you might be thinking that all these hair cutting techniques are permanent and you don't want to get stuck with the wrong hairstyle for months. The way out of that dilemma is simple; go for a wig. Get a wig in the hairstyle that you want to try and keep it on for a couple of days. Try on different dresses with that wig to get a feel of how you are going to look. Now, thanks to technology, you can also try different looks virtually through different apps that have different templates that you can try on and capture photos.

Change Your Makeup

If changing your hair is not an option or if you want more change than that then the next thing on the agenda is your makeup. You have no idea how much even a slight change in your makeup can affect your entire look. You can get a professional makeover or you can go to YouTube and learn various makeup techniques online. You can also search for different looks that you want for yourself and then teach yourself how to do it or show that look to your makeup professional and ask them to replicate that.

There are a lot of products involved so depending on your budget, you can try these looks as fast as you want or as slow as you want. Pay special attention to the colors that are being used. If you know your skin tone and color, it will be easier for you to choose from the various makeup colors and get the one that you know will suit you.

Watch and Learn

There are a host of online videos and tutorials that you can learn from. You can find multiple fashions and makeup experts who have their own video channels where they teach easy to do techniques to do makeup. These include everything from putting on eyeliner to changing the contours and everything in between. You can watch and learn these techniques and practice them yourself to get better and faster.

Natural Look

Most of us put on more makeup than we should and we are not aware of it. To bring a change to the way you look, start wearing less makeup so that it gives off a natural look. You already know how many products you are using on a daily basis; try limiting the number of these products and eliminate different parts of the routine to get the perfect look. It is a trial and error procedure and you will have to try different variations to find the perfect routine that is simple yet makes you beautiful.


These are only a few of the options that you can choose from to change the way you look. Try these out and let us know how it went. Just make sure that you take into account the shape of your face and your skin tone when you are trying these things.