Twinsie Tuesday - Vintage

By Marijonails @marijonails
Hi fellow nail polish lovers!!
The Twinsie challenge this week is to do a vintage manicure, we were to copy something from an old beauty photo.  I have to admit I was stumped for this one!  While I can appreciate vintage items, I'm not really into it, so I had no idea where to start.  Therefore, I went straight to google, lol!  I found a pic of this dress:

I thought this was a cute little dress and that I could come up with some sort of nail art with this design. Here's what I came up with:

Artificial Light

I started off with Orly Au Champagne.  I then added stripes using my Milani Nail Art pen in black.  I then used Sinful Colors Fire Red (for the belt) on a few nails.  For the dots, I used Beauty UK Aztec with my dotting tool. 
I didn't want to use red on every nail, so I just added dots between the lines for the ones that didn't have red to mix it up a bit.

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Natural Light

I was kind of on the fence with this one.  I think it's a funky, artsy look, but it's not really me.  It also doesn't look very vintage, lol!  Oh well, it was worth a try.
I can't wait to see if my twinsies were more successful with their vintage manicures.  Go check them out!
Anne: http://grapefizz.blogspot.comAshley: http://artevolve.blogspot.comChelsea: http://nailedblog.comKatherine: http://hauloffame.blogspot.comMeredith: http://polishandcharms.blogspot.comNory: http://fiercemakeupandnails.comRachel: http://topcoatit.comSarah: http://seesarahswatch.blogspot.comAnna: http://goingtotheshowing.blogspot.comChiChi: http://beautystarr1009.blogspot.comBrandi: http://thecollegiatenail.blogspot.comCordia: http://seriouslyswatched.blogspot.comTara: http://polishyoftruth.comMaribeth: http://obsessivecosmetichoardersunite.blogspot.comElizabeth: