Twinsie Tuesday - Nails Polished by Someone Else

By Marijonails @marijonails
Hi everyone!!
For this week's Twinsie Tuesday, we were challenged to have our nails done by someone else. I first asked my husband because I thought it would be fun, but he quickly refused. Polish isn't his thing. So I went to my next choice, my seven year old daughter. I should have thought of her in the first place. She gets a kick of this stuff. Here's what she did.

I didn't choose the colors or design, it was all her. The colors she used were NOPI You're An Angel and a purple Cosmetic Arts. She likes pink and purple. When she told me she wanted the dotting tools, I couldn't believe it. To her they were "the skinny things", but I knew what she meant, lol.
I must admit, it took everything out of me not to tell her what to do. I didn't even clean up because she thought she cleaned up. You should have seen her using her nail to try to get some of the polish around the cuticle. She was so happy with it when she was done.

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Now I have to admit, I was afraid to put my watermark on this manicure, but I decided to own it.  My daughter worked really hard on it.
Have you ever had someone else do your nails?
I'm excited to see if my Twinsies' manis are as interesting as mine turned out, lol.  Go check them out!
Ashley: http://artevolve.blogspot.comChelsea: http://nailedblog.comKatherine: http://hauloffame.blogspot.comMeredith: http://polishandcharms.blogspot.comNory: http://fiercemakeupandnails.comRachel: http://topcoatit.comSarah: http://seesarahswatch.blogspot.comAnna: http://goingtotheshowing.blogspot.comChiChi: http://beautystarr1009.blogspot.comBrandi: http://seriouslyswatched.blogspot.comTara: http://polishyoftruth.comMaribeth: http://obsessivecosmetichoardersunite.blogspot.comElizabeth: http://didmynails.blogspot.comJamie: