Turnip Juice Benefits for Health: Yummy Recipes

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

Turnip is full of health benefits and rich in minerals and vitamins. Turnip juice may sound a bit odd, but it is a wonderful for your health and can keep you away from various health problems. This juice alone can be a little bitter to taste. So mix it with the juice of another fruit or vegetable to make it delicious. Once you get used to its taste, you will love to have it. After you extract the juice of turnip, you have to consume it immediately. Storing it may remove essential nutrients from it. By combining turnip juice with juices rich in magnesium, you can ensure proper absorption of potassium present in turnip juice. Turnip greens are loaded with Vitamin A and Vitamin K.

Benefits of Turnip Juice for Skin and Health:

  • Turnip juice is a rich source of various nutrients that help you to fight against various diseases like liver and bladder issues. Rheumatoid arthritis is also healed by drinking turnip juice regularly.
  • Turnip juice is full of antioxidants, which has the power to lower the risk of cancer. They prevent the growth of tumor and help in removing all toxins from the liver. You can also fight against the harmful actions of the carcinogens by consuming turnip juice regularly.
  • If are looking for an effective way to lose weight and fight obesity, turnip juice can help you. Consume this juice daily and you will soon get positive results.
  • Anemia, which is caused as a result of decrease in red blood cells, may be cured by drinking turnip juice.
  • Turnip juice is a rich source of Vitamin C. This is very beneficial for clearing congested lungs and bronchi. It is also effective for increasing the circulation of blood in the body.
  • If you have body odor, turnip juice is a good remedy for it. Drink this juice regularly to get rid of body odor.
  • Turnip juice is excellent for protecting you from various problems of the heart. This is because it has the power to lower the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body. As a result, it lowers the risk of heart attacks, blood clotting, stroke and other diseases of the heart.
  • This juice is an excellent remedy for kidney stones.
  • Turnip juice is a rich source of potassium and calcium. So it is good for your bones and teeth and makes them strong.
  • By drinking turnip juice regularly, you can calm your nerves and be relaxed,
  • Cataract is a common problem that increases with age. By drinking turnip juice daily, you can prevent cataract to a great extent.
  • Being rich in flavonoid, this juice is beneficial for maintaining the structure of capillaries.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of turnip juice make it effective for curing asthma or to control the symptoms of asthma.
  • Turnip juice has the power to fight against the free radicals in the body and lower the levels of these harmful elements.
  • Drinking turnip juice regularly ensures that the colon functions properly. So it protects you from colon tumor and colon cancer.
  • This juice is great for your immune system also. Drinking this juice daily makes your immune system strong and ensures its effective functioning.
  • If you are suffering from various problems of the skin, drink turnip juice regularly and you can get rid of all these problems.
  • Acne is a common skin problem that most of us face. By drinking this juice, you can treat it effectively.
  • This juice is also a good cure for hangover.

Delicious Turnip Juice Recipes:

Calcium King juice:

Take 3 cups of chopped green cabbage and 3 cups of chopped turnip green. Blend them well and extract the juice. This juice is rich in calcium and is beneficial for people all age groups.

Celery and turnip delight:

Blend celery, turnip greens, tart apple, pear, purple-top turnip and serrano chile with little water and extract the juice. This makes a refreshing drink that is delicious and healthy.

Carrot-spinach-lettuce-turnip-parsley juice:

Take five carrots, three leaves of spinach, a handful of parsley, four lettuce leaves, ¼ turnip and ½ of fresh orange and mix them well in a blender for 2 minutes. Extract the juice and have this nourishing drink. This will keep you healthy and glowing.

Detox juice 1:

Take small pieces of turnip greens, broccoli, carrots, red cabbage, pear, red apple and bell pepper and blend them well. Extract the juice and have it. This is excellent for detoxifying your body.

Detox juice 2:

Chop spinach, kale, rainbow chard, romaine lettuce, red apples, pear, turnip greens, carrots and ginger. Blend them well and extract the juice. Have it chilled.

Juice for healthy bones:

Take one medium sized sweet potato, 1 cup of red cherries and ¼ of a large turnip. Blend them well, extract the juice and have it chilled.

Mixed juice:

Add grapes, cranberries, romaine lettuce, turnip greens, pear, carrots, red apples, spinach, red bell pepper and beet in a blender and blend well. Extract the juice and refrigerate it. Add some mint when you have it. This makes a refreshing drink.

Rootastic juice:

Blend 1 large turnip, 2 apples, 2 carrots, 2 medium sized beetroots and 1 inch of ginger. Extract the juice and mix this juice with ½ cup of coconut water. This makes an excellent drink and has great cooling and refreshing effect.

Sweet calcium juice:

Take three cups of chopped turnip green and 3 cups of chopped apples. Blend both the ingredients well and take the juice. You can have this juice when you have your breakfast in the morning.

Turnip fennel juice:

Take half of a turnip, 3 carrots, one apple and half of a fennel bulb. Blend all the ingredients together and extract the juice. Have it after keeping it in the refrigerator and chilling it.

Turnip and beetroot juice:

Take one small turnip and one small beetroot. Cut both of them into small pieces. Blend them well and get the juice. Add a little of lemon juice and salt. This makes a delicious juice.