Turn Old T-Shirts into New Creations

Posted on the 03 December 2011 by T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

We’ve all got at least a few in the bottom of our drawer or in a box by the garage door— those T-shirts that have seen better days and no longer see the light of day. It is hard to just throw them away, though. Whether it’s from the first concert we attended or it pays tribute to a sports team we love, these T-shirts of memories can be turned into something you will actually get continued use out of.

  • Laptop Case: Creating a laptop case out of an old T-shirt is actually really easy, and a tutorial can be found here. A leather case can cost $100 or more. Save that money and spend it on some more T-shirts!
  • Pillow: Cut two straight lines: one from one shoulder to the other and another from the sleeves to the hem along the bottom. Trim a little or a lot off the bottom based on your liking, then just stitch it inside out, leaving adequate room to turn and stuff it. Once you’ve stuffed it with the filling of your choice, use a whip stitch or ladder stitch to close it and you’re ready for bed.
  • Quilt: Is that drawer of old T-shirts getting out of control? Is it spreading into a second drawer? No problem, you can turn a pile of these shirts into a mega-comfortable memory quilt. Cut your shirts into square pieces and sew them together. Even if you are new to quilting, you can learn everything you need to know by checking out these tips. Make it eco-friendly by using recycled or organic batting.
  • Skirt: Ready to see the quickest fashion creation ever? Cute Circuit shows you how you can create a skirt from an old shirt in under 30 seconds!
  • Necklace: Dollar Store Crafts demonstrates how to make a necklace out of an old T-shirt. The decorative beads add a spicy touch.
  • Grocery Bag: This is another quick conversion. In this instance, Marsha Stewart takes you step by step through creating a reusable grocery sack from a T-shirt.
  • Appliqué: Is a small stain or tear keeping you from wearing your favorite shirt? It’s easy to fix! Cover up that imperfection with your own personally created appliqué. You can buy some at the craft store, but it’s much more fun to cut your own patches and sew them on.
  • Underwear: Head over to SuperNaturale for detailed instructions for turning that old T-shirt into a comfortable pair of cotton undies.

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Photo credit:  Some rights reserved by pfctdayelise