Tuesday KOTD

By Nhorsman11
Hello Ladies,
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!I am still camera free so I had to use the cell again for a pic. I have been doing my nails like crazy but no camera!!I was promised they are going to return it on Thurs. If notI am going to drive the 30 min to pick it up!!!I kindof liked this mani but didn't leave it on long. I just wanted to post something new...I hope to be back on Thurs with a new KOTD. I got my Nubar order yesterday.The spring garden collection(Think it's called) I LOVE thesecolors OMG... I can't believe I just said that. Sorry.I used Baby Sprout and Pink Lily.

Sorry it's so blurry. Oh well..I will see you all later this week. Have an awesome week!!!