Trilogy Rosehip Oil

By Hhepton

Using an oil as part of your skincare regieme was something I knew a lot of people were into, whether it be pre or post cleasne, but up until the end of January/beginning of February I had never actually used one myself. I originally had my eye on one from the Una Brennan Superfacialist range and intended to use it pre-cleanse to take the bulk of my makeup off, however earlier in the year when my skin wasn’t at it’s best I spotted the Trilogy Rosehip Oil on Feel Unique and decided to opt for this one. I wasn’t sure what to expect at first if I’m honest but after a good few months of testing it in my regular skincare routine I can say this rosehip oil has became an essential when it comes to looking after my skin, and I think most people, whatever their skin type, would benefit from using it.

It’s a pure natural, organic rosehip oil that Trilogy say can help with things such as scars, stretch marks, fine lines and wrinkles, and will nourish the skin leaving it moisturised and softened. Those are pretty bold claims and on the packaging it does say these were results obtained when used twice daily on a group of ten women over 12 weeks, and twice daily on a group of twenty women over 8 weeks so really they aren’t that reilable, but the results I have gotten from it aren’t too shabby! I’d heard from a few people that rosehip oil is good for redness and dry patches of skin so those were the reasons I picked it up, and it has definitely helped with both of them. The dryness on my forehead is looking a lot better than it was in January, and I think it really has made a difference to the redness on my cheeks. I don’t get many spots but when I do they can leave discolouration on my skin, and I’ve found rubbing this into them has helped them to fade a little quicker.

At first I used this every single night but then realised I didn’t actually need to use it that much, now I just take a look at my skin on a night and see what I think it needs. Usually I’d use this maybe every other night unless my skin was particularly bad, then I’d amp it up and use it daily. I put one drop on my forehead and one on each of my cheeks and massage it in after my serum, and before my moisturiser. It does take a little while to sink in sometimes I skip the moisturiser and go straight to bed, but if you wait long enough your skin will feel absolutely amazingly smooth after a while. If it was quicker to absorb and sink it I’d probably give this a go on a morning under my makeup, but at the minute I just don’t have the time. I’ve also found mixing a few drops with my night moisturiser is rather nice too.

When you use this before bed the next day you wake up with the most glowing, radiant and soft skin ever. It really is so nice and I think even with oily skin you might benefit from using this maybe every other night. The packaging is pretty cool too, but being a scientist in training the mini pippette/dropper has kind of lost it’s novelty to me! Some people have said it’s a little funky smelling, and it is, but you can’t really notice it when it’s on your face so it shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve been using this regularly since the beginning of the year and I’m nearly half way through so it’s lasting pretty well too!

All in all, you probably, definitely need the Trilogy Rosehip Oil in your life. If you want brighter, more radiant skin (who doesn’t?) give this a go and see if it works wonders for you like it has for me.