Tresemme Platinum Strength

By Candyfairy

~ TRESemme ~

Expert Selection

Platinum Strength Range

This shampoo like most, lathers up into a nice, thick white foam.
The smell is true to the classic Tresemme scent. Stronger when you're
using it in the shower than just smelling it out of the bottle. I think the
steam from a hot shower creates that, which is nice because it gives my
whole bathroom a scented makeover! Because my hair is prone to dryness,
especially in these colder months, I have enjoyed using a product like this
which is extra, extra moisturising! I'm not sure how my hair would take to
this in Summer when I like to wash my hair daily because you can't help but
just get hot and sweaty no matter what you do and since this is so moisturising
I feel like it could end up a bit too heavy and weigh my hair down (especially
since I have so much of it!) at a time when I need it to be as lightweight as possible.
I don't think I've ever come across a conditioner as moisturising as this one!
I wouldn't recommend this for normal or healthy haired people.
I feel like to get the best out of it, you really only should go out and get this if
your hair is dry and damaged and needs a lot of TLC!
This conditioner I used only on the bottom half of my hair as this is where
my hair need the most nourishing. It does a brilliant job at repairing the
damage from dyes, styling/heat tools and blunt scissors (for when I like to think
I'm clever and touch up my ends DIY at home) can do! I noticed instantly how
smooth and soft it was making my hair. It was like when you apply a really good,
thick moisturising cream to your face or body, only to your hair.
Makes perfect sense to me! :)
Deep Conditioning Treatment:
This is designed to use once a week, which I have been doing for the past
two weeks and because my hair needed a bit of extra, extra moisture to it,
this did an amazing job at providing that extra care. I don't see myself needing to
keep on using this every single week, because I feel like by the second week my
hair didn't need it as much as before the first use. So ill probably continue to
use this every 2-3 weeks or whenever my hair feel extra dry or stressed.Leave In Treatment:
I love these kinds of leave in products because I can apply them to towel
dry or completely dry hair and I don't have to think about it. I can just
apply it any time of the day or night for a bit of hair pampering!
This claims to repair up to two years of hair damage!
That is such a brave claim and incredible if true.
I honestly don't know if it has begun to repair two years worth of
damage to my hair.... that is something very hard to distinguish. 
It is a beautiful product though which I have really been enjoying!
This, along side the shampoo, conditioner and the deep conditioning
treatment, I feel like have deeply nourished, moisturised and strengthened
my hair over the past two weeks, so I'm very happy about that! :)

Have you tried Tresemme products?What range of theirs do you recommend? 
Love Candy!xo
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*These products were kindly sent to me for review*All opinions & photographs are my own