Traveling with a Neurogenic Bladder and Bowel

By Trudytriumph @TrudyTriumph

For many of us a trip or vacation can add stress to our lives.  We are thrown off our schedule and the location of the next toilet we use, is unpredictable,  yet something happens to my attitude  when I pack for a trip.  It is so exciting. The anticipation of getting away makes my heart sing.

 HOWEVER... If I do not pack what I need, my life can go south pretty fast, due to my medical condition,  neurogenic bladder and bowel.  It might be tempting to stay at home, because I know accidents happen. I have  several horror stories.   My solace is that I will never see those people again, and in the meantime, I made wonderful memories. When I am out and about,  I don't feel the pain in my bladder.  I am thinking  thoughts,  but absolutly NOT about  how I feel, at least I try not to!  I get to experience something new and the beauty God has to offer. 

My Costa Rica horror happened on a boat, a bowel accident with no toilet paper on board.  I went unprepared and it was miserable.   I have learned  valuable lessons stepping out. At a moments notice I will need what I need, and quickly!   I am just as important as that new born that I carried around so many years ago that required, “needs to have” items or a meltdown was sure to unfold.  On that fateful Costa Rica trip, if I had thought to bring  an extra change  swim suit or underwear, a zip lock bag,  and wet wipes,  I would have been fine.  A travel lesson learned.  Be prepared!  Sometimes being perpared is not enough.  I was once in New York City and I went from shop to shop asking to use a toilet.  Even Mc Donalds would not let me in.  Well you all know how that ended....

In packing for a trip, I try to keep a list gong of things I need.  Usually,  even if I don't fly,  I like to go light enough to use a carry on size bag.  In having a small space to put things I need to pack smart.  I have a travel case where I keep extra meds and personal items that are always packed, even at home. I keep them seperate so when I get ready to leave home for a few days,  all is ready. The most important items are devices, meds, and the wow factor wardrobe to put the spring in my step. I make sure my outfits are mix and match so I don't suffer wardrobe meltdowns if something becomes soiled. Bringing a little laundry soap helps as well.

 Layering is the key and all my clothing items match, meaning they will go color wise with everything else .   .Layering keeps me warm, yet helps me cool down too.   If something becomes unusable, no problem, I can easily wear another clothing item.  Jeans, sweaters and coats are bulky so I stay clear of them, if I can.

I  take an extra soft beach bag type bag with a zipper.  I can use it for picnics, carry thing on day trips or pack gifts for the trip home.  I use it in many ways and I never leave home without one.

I never pack my catheders   or other  lifesaving items in one place.  Carry some and send some items through and whatever I do, I pack enough! We cannot go out and buy them, so taking what we need is paramount.

I have a pill cylinder and take:

Prilosec & Tums

Bladder pain med

Just in case antibiotic

Stool softener & Laxative


Sleeping pill to help with jet lag

 A must is tweezers for chin hairs because no kidding they grow faster in the sunshine.

 I also carry extra glasses.

In my pouch, that goes around my waist, I take my wallet, catheters, wet ones, extra zip lock plastic bags. The zip lock plastic bags are great for packing a lunch, soiled clothing items and even a place to put used catheters if I do not have a place to put them after use. My I phone is more than a phone,  it is where I keep my emergency phone numbers and calendar and a place to write notes so I can remember what needs to be remembered. There is no need to carry heavy books. Many use Kindles. I have a kindle loaded onto my I pad.

Happy Travels friends!  We are going to Disney Land net month.  I can’t wait.

 More later…