Travel Thursday: On Having Wanderlust

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

A few weeks ago I was having a discussion with a friend about Wanderlust. That insatiable desire I have to see the world. This friend doesn’t really have that desire, she enjoys travel but hasn’t experience that strong pull to wander. We contemplated, discussed and decided it must be one of those things that you are born with. You seek new experiences, want to visit every country, state, &  city possible and are always thinking about that next trip.

Guest room?? Wanderlust 8x10 inches on A4 Inspiring travel quote by mercimerci

Quote by Paulo Coelho  #alchemist #travel #quote #adventure #yogaretreats

If I don’t have something on the calendar to look forward to I start getting antsy. Majorly antsy. After a busy first half of the year I realized we didn’t have anything on the calendar for Thanksgiving week and that needed to change!

We had already done a few long weekends this year:

Washington D.C.

A Wisconsin road trip to visit a dear friend


An adventure to the Minnesota/South Dakota border for one of my best friend’s wedding

Las Vegas

Another Wisconsin Road Trip

A ton of work travel including: Nashville, Chicago, Milwaukee, Omaha, Canada, Connecticut, Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Mississippi

You would think that would satisfy that need. Nope. After our August trip I was itching to get something on the calendar. We finally got that trip booked!  Greece in November. I am so excited! We are going with good friends and plan to spend a few days in Athens and a few more days on the islands. I am so darn excited for this trip. I will write more in the coming weeks about your plans.