Trap Workouts

By Mia_patterson

Trap Workouts - The Top 5 Trap Exercises

While many weight trainees, bodybuilder, fitness enthusiasts, and other gym goers focus a great deal of their attention on the lats, too many neglect to train and develop their traps to their fullest potential. When fully and properly developed, the trapezius muscles complete a

physique, making it appear much thicker and more powerful. Here are the 5 best trap exercises for building the biggest upper back possible:
1. Deadlifts
Though it does not directly target the traps the way shrugs and rows do, the deadlift is the best overall trap builder there is. Take a look at any good powerlifter's or deadlifter's traps for evidence of this fact.
The immense loads that deadlifts allow you to use, coupled with the enormous stretch the movement places on the traps and upper back, cause it to seriously stimulate the traps. If you've ever done a set of deadlifts to absolute failure, you probably felt your traps practically screaming at you by the end.
Even if you don't "feel" your traps working in the deadlift, they almost certainly are. Though I feel them working my traps very well, several lifters I know report immense trapezius growth from the exercise, even though that particular muscle doesn't get sore.
The best way to build huge traps with the deadlift is to simply use the same heavy weights in the 4-6 rep range that you should already be using. Make sure to do some form of heavy deadlift every week, and watch your traps take off.
2. Barbell Shrugs
Though deadlifts are probably the best trap builder, barbell shrugs are certainly a close second. This movement is a favorite for extra traps work among bodybuilders and powerlifters alike, and it is one of the most tried and true overall muscle builders in existence.
Like the deadlift, barbell shrugs allow you to use very heavy loads. Though the range of motion is very small, this particular muscle group seems to respond extremely well to large loads and extreme stretches more than large ranges of motion.
The best way to perform shrugs for big traps is to use a strong set of straps and really load the barbell up. Don't get too carried away with weight, but also don't think you have to use super-strict form. A little jerking motion in the shrugs can be a great tool to get some very heavy weight moving and stretching your traps. 3. Barbell Rows
Though most people do barbell rows more for their lats and rhomboids, I have found these to also be one of my most productive trap exercises. The way I do them allows me to still use very heavy loads (though not as heavy as the deadlift or barbell shrug), and I have always felt them working my traps very hard.
The best way to perform barbell rows for trap development is to use a bend at the waist of about 45 degrees. Wear a belt and wrist straps if you have to, and row the weight to the bottom of your stomach. Use a little bit of jerking motion if you have to, but don't let the brunt of the stress shift away from your lats and traps.
4. Face Pulls
This is one of the most underrated movements, both for traps and upper back development, as well as for shoulder health. For the last couple of years, I have done at least a few sets of these at the end of nearly every workout, and my trap development has really taken off. I have also not had any real shoulder problems outside of the occasional little twinge.
This movement is essentially a row to the face or forehead. Connect a rope attachment to a high pully on a cable station, and row to your face. You can use either an overhand or underhand grip on the rope ends.
Unlike the last few movements, face pulls are best done for higher reps with moderate weight. You should really feel your traps and rear delts moving, and you should keep the movement slow and controlled.
5. Hang Cleans
Most bodybuilders and even powerlifters rarely do any form of cleans, but they can be one of the best trap builders in your weight lifting arsenal. The explosive nature and potential for heavy loads make this movement another of the best traps and upper back movements.
Fortunately, you do not need an Olypmic lifting coach to be able to get form on the hang clean. Just deadlift the weight up to the standing position to start. To perform the main movement, just jerk your upper body upwards, shrugging your shoulders as hard as possible while bringing your arms up to shoulder the bar.
