Tracking Google Ads Conversions in WordPress [2024]

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980

Go to Tools & Settings > Conversions > New Conversion Action > Website >

Enter your domain URL homepage > click scan > Give the thankyou page of the contact form.

Take the Google Tag – Click setup – you’ll see the google tag code*

In the backend of WordPress insall WP-Code

*Copy the Google Tag code from Google Ads

In WordPress – go to “Code Snippets” in the side bar and click on “Head & Footer” and paste in the Google Tag:

click Save

  • Use Tag Assistant plugin on Chrome – enable it and click record
  • Refresh the website – and make sure Google Ads Conversion Tracking is on your thank you page

Adding Tag Manager to WordPress

  • Go to Tag Manger
  • Fill in the details to create a new account
  • Copy the Code that you are given
  • Go to wp-admin on your WordPress site
  • Search Plugins – Add New – Search “headers and footers” – install the WPCode plugin
  • Add new custom snipett
  • Add the Tag Manager Code