Top Ten Tuesday | Things i Like/dislike in Bookish Romances

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books

This week's Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is: Top Ten Things I Like/Dislike About Romances In Books. First of all, I'm not big on romance. If it happens in a book that's about something else, and it's well-executed and not too saccharine, okay. Whatever. But I don't read romances, and I cannot stand when it's too heavy-handed. I'm rarely swoony. I don't have "book boyfriends." That said, I'm going to try and break down what it is I tend not to like and see if I can articulate what I do like. Who knows? Maybe I'll come out of this feeling more romance-inclined just in time for Valentine's Day. Okay, okay, stop laughing.
What I Dislike:
  1. Overly sweet, very predictable romances (along with any mention of "fate," "meant to be," or "soul mates" and the instalove that usually goes hand in hand). 
  2. Love triangles.
  3. Cheating (especially when it's "justified" because two people are "soulmates" or "made for each other").
  4. Love blinders (when the couple suddenly ditch their friends or don't care about anything/anyone outside of their relationship).
  5. Unrealistic overcoming of obstacles, or putting up with ridiculous behavior because the characters are "blinded by love." Also when a character completely changes their personality to fit their relationship. Like that ever works out well.
  6. The weakling girl character who needs to be "protected" - similarly the manic pixie dream girl stereotype.
  7. Disrespect or abuse. OF COURSE. 
Some examples of books that had one or more of these things:

What I Like:
  1. Humour (and sarcasm).
  2. Realistic responses to behavior.
  3. Loyalty, patience, respect and encouraging one another's success.
Some books that had one or more of these things in them:

So there you have it - my perspectives on bookish romance. I like my romance with a healthy side of reality and a good sense of humor. What about you guys? What kind of bookish romance makes you crazy - either in a bad or good way? Share in the comments!